DIY Snowy Mason Jars

Tuesday Oct 27th, 2020


These Christmas Tea Light holders are incredibly easy to make using unexpected items: epsom salt and glitter.
They are a beautiful holiday display for flameless tea lights, or could even be used as a vase for holiday garland or flowers.


What you'll need

  • Glass jar
  • 1 cup epsom salt
  • 1tbsp glitter (white or translucent)
  • Mod Podge (or tacky glue)
  • Sponge brush for applying the glue
  • Twine or ribbon
  • Small piece of greenery
  • Hot glue gun


1. Start off by mixing the epsom salt and glitter together in a bowl so that it's ready to be poured over your jar once the glue has been applied. (This can also get kind of messy so have newspaper or something ready to cath the extra "snow")


2. Use a sponge brush to apply a thin, even layer of Mod Podge on the outside of the jar. You don't want too much or you'll end up with lines and possibly drips.


3. Once the glue has been applied, immediately pour or spoon over the epsom salt mixture until all of the glue has been fully covered; set aside to dry for about an hour.


4. Hot glue a small piece of greenery onto the top of the jar, and then wrap and tie twine around until you have your desired look.


That's it! These look magical at night with a flameless tea light or even thos small fairy LED string lights.


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